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This document will explain how to use discovery.php to debug issues or manually running to process data.

Command options

-h <device id> | <device hostname wildcard>  Poll single device
-h odd                                       Poll odd numbered devices  (same as -i 2 -n 0)
-h even                                      Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)
-h all                                       Poll all devices
-h new                                       Poll all devices that have not had a discovery run before
--os <os_name>                               Poll devices only with specified operating system
--type <type>                                Poll devices only with specified type
-i <instances> -n <number>                   Poll as instance <number> of <instances>
                                             Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4

Debugging and testing options:
-d                                           Enable debugging output
-v                                           Enable verbose debugging output
-m                                           Specify module(s) to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /

-h Use this to specify a device via either id or hostname (including wildcard using *). You can also specify odd and even. all will run discovery against all devices whilst new will poll only those devices that have recently been added or have been selected for rediscovery.

-i This can be used to stagger the discovery process.

-d Enables debugging output (verbose output but with most sensitive data masked) so that you can see what is happening during a discovery run. This includes things like rrd updates, SQL queries and response from snmp.

-v Enables verbose debugging output with all data in tact.

-m This enables you to specify the module you want to run for discovery.

Discovery wrapper

We have a script which is based on by Job Snijders. This script is currently the default.

If you need to debug the output of then you can add -d to the end of the command - it is NOT recommended to do this in cron.

You also may use -m to pass a list of comma-separated modules. Please refer to Command options of discovery.php. Example: /opt/librenms/ 1 -m bgp-peers

If you want to switch back to discovery.php then you can replace:

33 */6 * * * librenms /opt/librenms/ 1 >> /dev/null 2>&1


33 */6 * * * librenms /opt/librenms/discovery.php -h all >> /dev/null 2>&1

Discovery config

These are the default discovery config items. You can globally disable a module by setting it to 0. If you just want to disable it for one device then you can do this within the WebUI -> Device -> Settings -> Modules.


lnms config:set discovery_modules.os true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ports true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ports-stack true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.entity-physical true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.entity-state false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.processors true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.mempools true
lnms config:set true
lnms config:set false
lnms config:set false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.vrf false
lnms config:set false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.slas false
lnms config:set false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ipv4-addresses true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ipv6-addresses true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.route false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.sensors true
lnms config:set true
lnms config:set true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.discovery-protocols true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.arp-table true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.discovery-arp false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.junose-atm-vp false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.bgp-peers true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.vlans true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.vminfo false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.printer-supplies false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ucd-diskio true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.applications false
lnms config:set true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.stp true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.ntp true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.loadbalancers false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.mef false
lnms config:set discovery_modules.wireless true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.fdb-table true
lnms config:set discovery_modules.xdsl false

OS based Discovery config

You can enable or disable modules for a specific OS by using lnms config:set OS based settings have preference over global. Device based settings have preference over all others

Discover performance improvement can be achieved by deactivating all modules that are not supported by specific OS.

E.g. to deactivate spanning tree but activate discovery-arp module for linux OS


lnms config:set os.linux.discovery_modules.stp false
lnms config:set os.linux.discovery_modules.discovery-arp true

Discovery modules

os: Os detection. This module will pick up the OS of the device.

ports: This module will detect all ports on a device excluding ones configured to be ignored by config options.

ports-stack: Same as ports except for stacks.

xdsl: Module to collect more metrics for xDSL interfaces.

entity-physical: Module to pick up the devices hardware support.

processors: Processor support for devices.

mempools: Memory detection support for devices.

cisco-vrf-lite: VRF-Lite detection and support.

ipv4-addresses: IPv4 Address detection

ipv6-addresses: IPv6 Address detection

route: This module will load the routing table of the device. The default route limit is 1000 (configurable with lnms config:set routes.max_number 1000), with history data.

sensors: Sensor detection such as Temperature, Humidity, Voltages + More

storage: Storage detection for hard disks

hr-device: Processor and Memory support via HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.

discovery-protocols: Auto discovery module for xDP, OSPF, OSPFv3 and BGP.

arp-table: Detection of the ARP table for the device.

fdb-table: Detection of the Forwarding DataBase table for the device, with history data.

discovery-arp: Auto discovery via ARP.

junose-atm-vp: Juniper ATM support.

bgp-peers: BGP detection and support.

vlans: VLAN detection and support.

cisco-mac-accounting: MAC Address account support.

cisco-pw: Pseudowires wires detection and support.

vrf: VRF detection and support.

cisco-cef: CEF detection and support.

slas: SLA detection and support.

vminfo: Detection of vm guests for VMware ESXi and libvert

printer-supplies: Toner levels support.

ucd-diskio: Disk I/O support.

services: *Nix services support.

charge: APC Charge detection and support.


Here are some examples of running discovery from within your install directory.

./discovery.php -h localhost

./discovery.php -h localhost -m ports


To provide debugging output you will need to run the discovery process with the -d flag. You can do this either against all modules, single or multiple modules:

All Modules

./discovery.php -h localhost -d

Single Module

./discovery.php -h localhost -m ports -d

Multiple Modules

./discovery.php -h localhost -m ports,entity-physical -d

Using -d shouldn't output much sensitive information, -v will so it is then advisable to sanitise the output before pasting it somewhere as the debug output will contain snmp details amongst other items including port descriptions.

The output will contain:

DB Updates

SNMP Response