Integrating LibreNMS with Oxidized brings the following benefits:
- Config viewing: Current, History, and Diffs all under the Configs tab of each device
- Automatic addition of devices to Oxidized: Including filtering and grouping to ease credential management
- Configuration searching (Requires oxidized-web 0.8.0 or newer)
First you will need to install Oxidized following their documentation.
Then you can procede to the LibreNMS Web UI and go to Oxidized Settings in the External Settings section of Global Settings. Enable it and enter the url to your oxidized instance.
To have devices automatically added, you will need to configure oxidized to pull them from LibreNMS Feeding Oxidized Note: this means devices will be controlled by the LibreNMS API, and not router.db, passwords will still need to be in the oxidized config file.
LibreNMS will automatically map the OS to the Oxidized model name if they don't match. this means you shouldn't need to use the model_map config option within Oxidized.
Detailed integration information
This is a straight forward use of Oxidized, it relies on you having a working Oxidized setup which is already taking config snapshots for your devices. When you have that, you only need the following config to enable the display of device configs within the device page itself:
lnms config:set oxidized.enabled true
lnms config:set oxidized.url
LibreNMS supports config versioning if Oxidized does. This is known to work with the git output module.
lnms config:set oxidized.features.versioning true
Oxidized supports various ways to utilise credentials to login to devices, you can specify global username/password within Oxidized, Group level username/password or per device. LibreNMS currently supports sending groups back to Oxidized so that you can then define group credentials within Oxidized. To enable this support please switch on 'Enable the return of groups to Oxidized':
lnms config:set oxidized.group_support true
You can set a default group that devices will fall back to with:
lnms config:set oxidized.default_group default
You can ignore specific groups
lnms config:set oxidized.ignore_groups '["badgroup", "nobackup"]'
One trick you can do to ignore all ungrouped devices is set both of these settings
lnms config:set oxidized.default_group nobackup
lnms config:set oxidized.ignore_groups.+ nobackup
If you're running SELinux, you'll need to allow httpd to connect outbound to the network, otherwise Oxidized integration in the web UI will silently fail:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Feeding Oxidized
Oxidized has support for feeding devices into it via an API call, support for Oxidized has been added to the LibreNMS API. A sample config for Oxidized is provided below.
You will need to configure default credentials for your devices in the Oxidized config, LibreNMS doesn't provide login credentials at this time.
default: http
debug: false
url: https://librenms/api/v0/oxidized
name: hostname
model: os
group: group
X-Auth-Token: '01582bf94c03104ecb7953dsadsadwed'
LibreNMS is able to reload the Oxidized list of nodes, each time a device is added to LibreNMS. To do so, edit the option in Global Settings>External Settings>Oxidized Integration or add the following to your config.
lnms config:set oxidized.reload_nodes true
Creating overrides
To return an override to Oxidized you can do this by providing the override key, followed by matching a lookup for a host (or hosts), and finally by defining the overriding value itself. LibreNMS does not check for the validity of these attributes but will deliver them to Oxidized as defined.
Matching of hosts can be done using hostname
, sysname
, os
, location
, sysDescr
, hardware
, purpose
or notes
and including either a 'match' key and value, or a 'regex' key and value. The order of matching is:
To match on the device hostnames or sysNames that contain 'lon-sw' or if the location contains 'London' then you would set the following:
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.hostname.+ '{"regex": "/^lon-sw/", "value": "london-switches"}'
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.sysName.+ '{"regex": "/^lon-sw/", "value": "london-switches"}'
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.location.+ '{"regex": "/london/", "value": "london-switches"}'
To match on a device os of edgeos then please use the following:
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.os.+ '{"match": "edgeos", "value": "wireless"}'
Matching on OS requires system name of the OS. For example, "match": "RouterOS" will not work, while "match": "routeros" will.
To match on a device purpose or device notes that contains 'lon-net' then you would set the following:
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.purpose.+ '{"regex": "/^lon-sw/", "value": "london-network"}'
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.group.notes.+ '{"regex": "/^lon-sw/", "value": "london-network"}'
To edit an existing map, you must use the index to override it.
lnms config:get oxidized.maps.os.os
"match": "airos-af-ltu",
"value": "airfiber"
"match": "airos-af",
"value": "airfiber"
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.os.os.1 '{"match": "airos-af", "value": "something-else"}'
To override the IP Oxidized uses to poll the device, set the following:
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.ip.sysName.+ '{"regex": "/^my.node/", "value": ""}'
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.ip.sysName.+ '{"match": "my-other.node", "value": ""}'
This allows extending the configuration further by providing a completely flexible model for custom flags and settings, for example, below shows the ability to add an ssh_proxy host within Oxidized simply by adding the below to your configuration:
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.ssh_proxy.sysName.+ '{"regex": "/^my.node/", "value": "my-ssh-gateway.node"}'
Or of course, any custom value that could be needed or wanted can be applied, for example, setting a "myAttribute" to "Super cool value" for any configured and enabled "routeros" device.
lnms config:set oxidized.maps.myAttribute.os.+ '{"match": "routeros", "value": "Super cool value"}'
Verify the return of groups by querying the API:
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' https://librenms.org/api/v0/oxidized
If you need to, you can specify credentials for groups by using the following in your Oxidized config:
username: <user>
password: <password>
If you have devices which you do not wish to appear in Oxidized then you can edit those devices in Device -> Edit -> Misc and enable "Exclude from Oxidized?"
The use of custom ssh and telnet ports can be set through device settings misc tab, and can be passed on to oxidized with the following vars_map
name: hostname
model: os
group: group
ssh_port: ssh_port
telnet_port: telnet_port
It's also possible to exclude certain device types and OS' from being output via the API.
lnms config:set oxidized.ignore_types '["server", "power"]'
lnms config:set oxidized.ignore_os '["linux", "windows"]'
You can also ignore whole groups of devices
lnms config:set oxidized.ignore_groups '["london-switches", "default"]'
Trigger configuration backups
Using the Oxidized REST API and Syslog Hooks, Oxidized can trigger configuration downloads whenever a configuration change event has been logged. An example script to do this is included in ./scripts/syslog-notify-oxidized.php
. Oxidized can spawn a new worker thread and perform the download immediately with the following configuration
next_adds_job: true
Validate Oxidized config
You can perform basic validation of the Oxidized configuration by going to the Overview -> Tools -> Oxidized link and in the Oxidized config validation page, paste your yaml file into the input box and click 'Validate YAML'.
We check for yaml syntax errors and also actual config values to ensure they are used in the correct location.
Accessing configuration of a disabled/removed device
When you're disabling or removing a device from LibreNMS, the configuration will no longer be available via the LibreNMS web interface.
You can gain access to these configurations directly in the Git repository of Oxidized (if using Git for version control).
1: Check in your Oxidized where are stored your Git repositories:
2: Go the correct Git repository for the needed device (the .git one) and get the list of devices using this command:
git ls-files -s
3: Save the object ID of the device, and run the command to get the file content:
git cat-file -p <object id>
Remove disabled/removed device
If you want to purge saved config of a device that is not in LibreNMS anymore, you can run the following command:
git rm --cached <object id>