The installation of NFSen is out of scope for this document / LibreNMS
The following is the configuration that can be used:
lnms config:set nfsen_enable true
lnms config:set nfsen_split_char '_'
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/live/'
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat'
lnms config:set nfsen_base.+ '/var/nfsen/'
lnms config:set nfsen_suffix '_yourdomain_com'
Set lnms config:set nfsen_enable true
to enable NFSen support.
This value tells us where your NFSen rrd files live. This can also be an array to specify more directories like:
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/sitea/'
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/siteb/'
Although for most setups, it will look like below, with the profiles-stat/live directory being where it stores the general RRDs for data sources.
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat/live'
If you wish to render info for configure channels for a device, you need add the various profile-stat directories your system uses, which for most systems will be as below.
lnms config:set nfsen_rrds.+ '/var/nfsen/profiles-stat'
When adding sources to nfsen.conf, it is important to use the hostname that matches what is configured in LibreNMS, because the rrd files NfSen creates is named after the source name (ident), and it doesn't allow you to use an IP address instead. However, in LibreNMS, if your device is added by an IP address, add your source with any name of your choice, and create a symbolic link to the rrd file.
cd /var/nfsen/profiles-stat/sitea/
ln -s mychannel.rrd librenmsdeviceIP.rrd
lnms config:set nfsen_split_char '_'
This value tells us what to replace the full stops .
in the devices hostname with.
lnms config:set nfsen_suffix '_yourdomain_com'
The above is a very important bit as device names in NfSen are limited to 21 characters. This means full domain names for devices can be very problematic to squeeze in, so therefor this chunk is usually removed.
On a similar note, NfSen profiles for channels should be created with the same name.
Stats Defaults and Settings
Below are the default settings used with nfdump for stats.
For more defaulted information on that, please see nfdump(1).
The default location for nfdump is /usr/bin/nfdump
. If nfdump is located elsewhere, set it with
```bash lnms config:set nfdump /usr/local/bin/nfdump
lnms config:set nfsen_last_max 153600
lnms config:set nfsen_top_max 500
lnms config:set nfsen_top_N '[10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]'
lnms config:set nfsen_top_default 20
lnms config:set nfsen_stats_default srcip
lnms config:set nfsen_order_default packets
lnms config:set nfsen_last_default 900
lnms config:set nfsen_lasts "{'300':'5 minutes', '600':'10 minutes', '900':'15 minutes', '1800':'30 minutes', '3600':'1 hour', '9600':'3 hours', '38400':'12 hours', '76800':'24 hours', '115200':'36 hours', '153600':'48 hours'}"
lnms config:set nfsen_last_max 153600
The above is the max value in seconds one may pull stats for. The higher this is, the more CPU and disk intensive the search will be.
Numbers larger than this will be set to this.
lnms config:set nfsen_top_max 500
The above is max number of items to be displayed.
Numbers larger than this will be set to this.
lnms config:set nfsen_top_N '[10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]'
The above is a array containing a list for the drop down menu how many top items should be returned.
lnms config:set nfsen_top_default 20
The above sets default top number to use from the drop down.
lnms config:set nfsen_stats_default srcip
The above sets default stat type to use from the drop down.
record Flow Records
ip Any IP Address
srcip SRC IP Address
dstip DST IP Address
port Any Port
srcport SRC Port
dstport DST Port
srctos SRC TOS
dsttos DST TOS
tos TOS
as AS
srcas SRC AS
dstas DST AS
lnms config:set nfsen_order_default packets
The above sets default order type to use from the drop down. Any of the following below are currently supported.
flows Number of total flows for the time period.
packet Number of total packets for the time period.
bytes Number of total bytes for the time period.
pps Packets Per Second
bps Bytes Per Second
bpp Bytes Per Packet
lnms config:set nfsen_last_default 900
The above is the last default to use from the drop down.
lnms config:set nfsen_lasts "{'300':'5 minutes', '600':'10 minutes', '900':'15 minutes', '1800':'30 minutes', '3600':'1 hour', '9600':'3 hours', '38400':'12 hours', '76800':'24 hours', '115200':'36 hours', '153600':'48 hours'}"
The above associative array contains time intervals for how far back to go. The keys are the length in seconds and the value is just a description to display.