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Install/Setup: For Install/Setup Local Librenms RRDCached: Please see RRDCached

Will collect stats by: 1. Connecting directly to the associated device on port 42217 2. Monitor thru snmp with SNMP extend, as outlined below 3. Connecting to the rrdcached server specified by the rrdcached setting

SNMP extend script to monitor your (remote) RRDCached via snmp

SNMP Extend

  1. Download the script onto the desired host

    wget -O /etc/snmp/rrdcached

  2. Make the script executable

    chmod +x /etc/snmp/rrdcached

  3. Edit your snmpd.conf file (usually /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) and add:

    extend rrdcached /etc/snmp/rrdcached