For this to work, the following log items need enabled for Privoxy.
debug 2 # show each connection status
debug 512 # Common Log Format
debug 1024 # Log the destination for requests Privoxy didn't let through, and the reason why.
debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings
debug 8192 # Non-fatal errors
Install prerequisites
apt-get install libjson-perl libmime-base64-perl libfile-slurp-perl libfile-readbackwards-perl libipc-run3-perl cpanminus
cpanm Time::Piece
pkg install p5-JSON p5-MIME-Base64 p5-File-Slurp p5-File-ReadBackwards p5-IPC-Run3 p5-Time-Piece
cpanm Time::Piece JSON MIME::Base64 File::Slurp File::ReadBackwards IPC::Run3
SNMP Extend
Download the extend and make sure it is executable.
wget -O /etc/snmp/privoxy chmod +x /etc/snmp/privoxy
Add the extend to snmpd.conf and restart snmpd.
extend privoxy /etc/snmp/privoxy
If your logfile is not at /var/log/privoxy/logfile
, that may be changed via the -f
is not found in your standard $PATH
setting, you may will need up call the extend via /usr/bin/env
with a $PATH
set to something that includes it.
Once that is done, just wait for the server to be rediscovered or just enable it manually.
If you are having timeouts or there is privelege seperation issues, then it can be ran via cron like below. -w
can be used to write it out and -o
can be used to control where it is written to. See --help
for more information.
Add the following to your /etc/crontab.d/librenms_privoxy
*/5 * * * * root /etc/snmp/privoxy -w > /dev/null
Add/Change the following to your /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
extend privoxy /bin/cat /var/cache/privoxy_extend.json.snmp