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SNMP Extend

  1. Copy the shell script, postgres, to the desired host

    wget -O /etc/snmp/postgres
  2. Make the script executable

    chmod +x /etc/snmp/postgres
  3. Edit your snmpd.conf file and add:

    extend postgres /etc/snmp/postgres
  4. Restart snmpd on your host

  5. Install the Nagios check on your system:

  6. Verify the path to in /etc/snmp/postgres is correct.

  7. (Optional) If you wish to change the DB username (default: pgsql), enable the postgres DB in totalling (e.g. set ignorePG to 0, default: 1), or set a hostname for to connect to (default: the Unix Socket postgresql is running on), then create the file /etc/snmp/postgres.config with the following contents (note that not all of them need be defined, just whichever you'd like to change):


Note that if you are using netdata or the like, you may wish to set ignorePG to 1 or otherwise that total will be very skewed on systems with light or moderate usage.

The application should be auto-discovered as described at the top of the page. If it is not, please follow the steps set out under SNMP Extend heading top of page.