Install prereqs
apt-get install libjson-perl libfile-slurp-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl libmime-base64-perl
pkg install p5-JSON p5-File-Slurp p5-LWP-Protocol-https p5-MIME-Base64
cpanm JSON Libwww File::Slurp LWP::Protocol::HTTPS MIME::Base64
SNMP Extend
Download the script onto the desired host.
wget -O /etc/snmp/opensearch
Make it executable
chmod +x /etc/snmp/opensearch
Update your
.Can be directly or via cron. It recommended to use cron if under heavy load it time out waiting for Opensearch.
extend opensearch /etc/snmp/opensearch
extend opensearch /bin/cat /var/cache/opensearch.json.snmp
Update root crontab with. This is required as it will this will likely time out otherwise. Use
if you want to have the most recent stats when polled or to*/5
if you just want at exactly a 5 minute interval.*/5 * * * * /etc/snmp/opensearch -w -q
Restart snmpd on your host.
sudo systemctl restart snmpd
Enable it or wait for the device to be re-disocvered.