Install prereqs
apt-get install libjson-perl libfile-slurp-perl libmime-base64-perl cpanminus
cpanm Time::Piece
yum install perl-JSON perl-File-Slurp perl-MIME-Base64 perl-String-ShellQuote perl-Time-Piece
pkg install p5-JSON p5-File-Slurp p5-MIME-Base64 p5-Time-Piece
cpanm JSON File::Slurp MIME::Base64 String::ShellQuote Time::Piece
SNMP Extend
Copy the shell script to the desired host.
wget -O /etc/snmp/nextcloud
Make the script executable
chmod +x /etc/snmp/nextcloud
Create the cache dir and chown it to the user Nextcloud is running as.
mkdir /var/cache/nextcloud_extend chown -R $nextcloud_user /var/cache/nextcloud_extend
Set it up in the crontab for the Nextcloud user using
to point it to the Nextcloud install dir.*/5 * * * * /etc/snmpd/nextcloud -q -i $install_dir
Add it to snmpd.conf
extend nextcloud /bin/cat /var/cache/nextcloud_extend/snmp
Then just wait for it to be rediscovered.