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Install prereqs

The MySQL script requires PHP-CLI and the PHP MySQL extension, so please verify those are installed.

May vary based on PHP version

apt-get install php-cli php-mysql
yum install php-cli php-mysql

Create the cache directory

Create the cache directory, '/var/cache/librenms/' and make sure that it is owned by the user running the SNMP daemon.

mkdir -p /var/cache/librenms/

MySQL script

Unlike most other scripts, the MySQL script requires a configuration file mysql.cnf in the same directory as the extend or agent script with following content:

$mysql_user = 'root';
$mysql_pass = 'toor';
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_port = 3306;

Note that depending on your MySQL installation (chrooted install for example), you may have to specify instead of localhost. Localhost make a MySQL connection via the mysql socket, while make a standard IP connection to mysql.

Note also if you get a mysql error Uncaught TypeError: mysqli_num_rows(): Argument #1, this is because you are using a newer mysql version which doesnt support UNBLOCKING for slave statuses, so you need to also include the line $chk_options['slave'] = false; into mysql.cnf to skip checking slave statuses

Install the agent on this device if it isn't already

and copy the mysql script to /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/

Verify it is working by running /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/mysql

  1. Copy the mysql script to the desired host.

    wget -O /etc/snmp/mysql
  2. Make the file executable

    chmod +x /etc/snmp/mysql
  3. Edit /etc/snmp/mysql to set your MySQL connection constants or declare them in /etc/snmp/mysql.cnf (new file)

  4. Edit your snmpd.conf file and add:

    extend mysql /etc/snmp/mysql
  5. Restart snmpd.

The application should be auto-discovered as described at the top of the page. If it is not, please follow the steps set out under SNMP Extend heading top of page.