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A small python3 script that reports current DHCP leases stats and pool usage of ISC DHCP Server.

Also you have to install the dhcpd-pools and the required Perl modules.

Install prerequisites

apt install cpanminus libmime-base64-perl libfile-slurp-perl
cpanm Net::ISC::DHCPd::Leases
pkg install p5-JSON p5-MIME-Base64 p5-App-cpanminus p5-File-Slurp
cpanm Net::ISC::DHCPd::Leases
cpanm Net::ISC::DHCPd::Leases MIME::Base64 File::Slurp

SNMP Extend

  1. Copy the shell script to the desired host.

    wget -O /etc/snmp/dhcp
  2. Make the script executable

    chmod +x /etc/snmp/dhcp
  3. Edit your snmpd.conf file If on a slow system running it via cron may be needed.

    edit (usually /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) and add:

    extend dhcpstats /etc/snmp/dhcp -z

    edit (usually /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) and add:

    extend dhcpstats /etc/snmp/dhcp -Z -w /var/cache/dhcp_extend

    Setup cronjob to run every 5 minutes. add the following to cron \etc/crontab.d/librenms_dhcp:

    */5 * * * * /etc/snmp/dhcp -Z -w /var/cache/dhcp_extend

    The following options are also supported.

    Option Description
    -c $file Path to dhcpd.conf.
    -l $file Path to lease file.
    -Z Enable GZip+Base64 compression.
    -d Do not de-dup.
    -w $file File to write it out to.
  4. Restart snmpd on your host

    The application should be auto-discovered as described at the top of the page. If it is not, please follow the steps set out under SNMP Extend heading top of page.