HV Monitor
HV Monitor provides a generic way to monitor hypervisors. Currently CBSD+bhyve on FreeBSD and Libvirt+QEMU on Linux are support.
For more information see HV::Monitor on Github or MetaCPAN.
SNMP Extend
Install the SNMP Extend.
apt-get install libjson-perl libmime-base64-perl cpanminus cpanm HV::Monitor
pkg install p5-App-cpanminus p5-JSON p5-MIME-Base64 p5-Module-List cpanm HV::Monitor
cpanm JSON MIME::Base64 Module::List
Set it up to be be ran by cron by root. Yes, you can directly call this script from SNMPD, but be aware, especially with Libvirt, there is a very real possibility of the snmpget timing out, especially if a VM is spinning up/down as virsh domstats can block for a few seconds or so then.
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/hv_monitor > /var/cache/hv_monitor.json -c 2> /dev/null
Setup snmpd.conf as below.
extend hv-monitor /bin/cat /var/cache/hv_monitor.json
Restart SNMPD.
Either wait for it to be re-discovered or manually enable it.