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A small shell script that checks your system's fail2ban status.

SNMP Extend

  1. Copy the shell script, fail2ban, to the desired host.

    wget -O /etc/snmp/fail2ban
  2. Make the script executable

    chmod +x /etc/snmp/fail2ban
  3. Edit your snmpd.conf file (usually /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) and add:

    extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban
    1. If you want to use the cache, it is as below, by using the -c switch.

      extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -c
    2. If you want to use the cache and update it if needed, this can by using the -c and -U switches.

      extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -c -U
    3. If you need to specify a custom location for the fail2ban-client, that can be done via the -f switch.

      extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -f /foo/bin/fail2ban-client

      If not specified, /usr/bin/env fail2ban-client is used.

  4. Restart snmpd on your host

    sudo systemctl restart snmpd
    2. If you wish to use caching, add the following to /etc/crontab and restart cron.

    The following will update the cache every 3 minutes.

    */3    *    *    *    *    root    /etc/snmp/fail2ban -u

If you have more than a few jails configured, you may need to use caching as each jail needs to be polled and fail2ban-client can't do so in a timely manner for than a few. This can result in failure of other SNMP information being polled.

For additional details of the switches, please see the POD in the script it self at the top.