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SNMP Extend

  1. Copy the shell script to the desired host.
wget -O /etc/snmp/borgbackup
  1. Make the script executable
chmod +x /etc/snmp/borgbackup
  1. Install depends.
pkg install p5-Config-Tiny p5-JSON p5-File-Slurp p5-MIME-Base64 p5-String-ShellQuote
apt-get install libconfig-tiny-perl libjson-perl libfile-slurp-perl libmime-base64-perl libstring-shellquote-perl
cpanm Config::Tiny File::Slurp JSON MIME::Base64 String::ShellQuote
  1. Set it up in cron.
*/5 * * * /etc/snmp/borgbackup 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
  1. Configure it. See further down below or /etc/snmp/borgbackup --help.

  2. Add the following to the SNMPD config.

extend borgbackup /bin/cat /var/cache/borgbackup_extend/extend_return
  1. Restart SNMPD and wait for the device to rediscover or tell it to manually.


The config file is a ini file and handled by Config::Tiny.

- mode :: single or multi, for if this is a single repo or for
        multiple repos.
    - Default :: single

- repo :: Directory for the borg backup repo.
    - Default :: undef

- passphrase :: Passphrase for the borg backup repo.
    - Default :: undef

- passcommand :: Passcommand for the borg backup repo.
    - Default :: undef

For single repos all those variables are in the root section of the config, so lets the repo is at '/backup/borg' with a passphrase of '1234abc'.


For multi, each section outside of the root represents a repo. So if there is '/backup/borg1' with a passphrase of 'foobar' and '/backup/derp' with a passcommand of 'pass show backup' it would be like below.



passcommand=pass show backup

If 'passphrase' and 'passcommand' are both specified, then passcommand is used.


The metrics are all from .data.totals in the extend return.

Value Type Description
errored repos Total number of repos that info could not be fetched for.
locked repos Total number of locked repos
locked_for seconds Longest time any repo has been locked.
time_since_last_modified seconds Largest time - mtime for the repo nonce
total_chunks chunks Total number of chunks
total_csize bytes Total compressed size of all archives in all repos.
total_size byes Total uncompressed size of all archives in all repos.
total_unique_chunks chunks Total number of unique chuckes in all repos.
unique_csize bytes Total deduplicated size of all archives in all repos.
unique_size chunks Total number of chunks in all repos.