BIND9 aka named
1. Configure Cache file
Create stats file with appropriate permissions:
touch /var/cache/bind/stats
chown bind:bind /var/cache/bind/stats
to the user and group that's running bind/named. 2. Bind/named configuration:
options {
statistics-file "/var/cache/bind/stats";
zone-statistics yes;
3. Restart your bind9/named after changing the configuration.
sudo systemctl restart bind
4. Verify that everything works
You can verify by executing rndc stats && cat /var/cache/bind/stats
In case you get a Permission Denied
error, make sure you changed the ownership correctly.
Also be aware that this file is appended to each time rndc stats
is called. Given this it is suggested you setup file rotation for it. Alternatively you can also set zero_stats to 1 in the config.
6. Install Prerequisites
The script for this also requires the Perl module File::ReadBackwards
pkg install p5-File-ReadBackwards
yum install perl-File-ReadBackwards
sudo apt-get install libfile-readbackwards-perl
If it is not available, it can be installed by cpan -i File::ReadBackwards
7. You may possibly need to configure the agent/extend script as well.
The config file's path defaults to the same path as the script, but with .config appended. So if the script is located at /etc/snmp/bind
, the config file will be /etc/snmp/bind.config
. Alternatively you can also specify a config via -c $file
Anything starting with a # is comment. The format for variables are $variable=$value. Empty lines are ignored. Spaces and tabs at either the start or end of a line are ignored.
Content of an example /etc/snmp/bind.config . Please edit with your own settings.
rndc = The path to rndc. Default: /usr/bin/env rndc
call_rndc = A 0/1 boolean on whether or not to call rndc stats.
Suggest to set to 0 if using netdata. Default: 1
stats_file = The path to the named stats file. Default: /var/cache/bind/stats
agent = A 0/1 boolean for if this is being used as a LibreNMS
agent or not. Default: 0
zero_stats = A 0/1 boolean for if the stats file should be zeroed
first. Default: 0 (1 if guessed)
If you want to guess at the configuration, call the script with -g
and it will print out what it thinks it should be.
Configure Agent or Extend
Copy the bind shell script, to the desired host.
wget -O /etc/snmp/bind
Make the script executable
chmod +x /etc/snmp/bind
Edit your snmpd.conf file and add:
extend bind /etc/snmp/bind
Restart snmpd on the host in question.
The application should be auto-discovered as described at the top of the page. If it is not, please follow the steps set out under SNMP Extend
heading top of page.
Install the agent) on this device if it isn't
Download the script onto the desired host:
wget -O /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/bind
Make the script executable
chmod +x /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/bind
Set the variable 'agent' to '1' in the config.